School of loving and dying

“School” (from greek: scholè) originally referred to empty time, a time to rest and be free from public duties. It was meant to protect children from being subjected to the laws and needs of the labor market, and instead set them free for education and personal development.

Our society is in dire need of a “school” in its original meaning. A place where children, adolescents, and adults are temporarily suspended from the neo-liberal pressures to perform, to be useful, efficient, purposeful, healthy, beautiful, and so on. 

The school of loving and dying wants to be such a free-place. Using carefully selected techniques from eastern and western (embodied) philosophical traditions, bodywork, martial art, dance, theater, and so on, we try to temporarily dismantle power structures that limit how you think, feel, speak, and move. It offers bright adolescents and adults a space and tools to explore and express their own way of being human.

The school of loving and dying offers opportunities to practice:

  • authentic presence
  • intimate connection with yourself, your body, and others
  • radically honest introspection
  • touching unconscious parts of yourself
  • understanding and transforming fears
  • mental flexibility to question your stories and concepts
  • feel and guide your subtle body
  • learning with and from imagination
  • learning how to love and how to die


For adults

The l’avant-garde year program exists of four weekends throughout the academic year. All detailed info you find by clicking here.

For adolescents

We gather one Sunday a month, from 10am till 5pm. You contribute 40 euro per session. Please bring your own lunch. Sessions happen in Laken (Brussels). Upon enrolment you’ll receive the exact address. 

Dates are 25/9, 16/10, 20/11, 18/12, 22/1, 19/2, 19/3, 13-15/4 (three days in the Easter holiday). You can register by sending us an email.